Levels of German Courses

German Beginner Courses A1 A2


German Beginners Courses

Have you always wanted to learn German, but don’t know where to start? Our German courses for beginners level A1 and A2 are specially designed for those who have no prior knowledge of the German language. During these courses, we will gradually introduce you to the basics of the German language, including basic grammar, essential vocabulary and correct pronunciation. With the help of our highly qualified native teachers, you will acquire a solid foundation which will allow you to communicate effectively in everyday situations, such as introducing yourself, shopping or ordering food in a restaurant. You will learn the German alphabet, the first words and commonly used sentences, as well as the basics of grammar. Furthermore, through engaging and interactive activities, you will immerse yourself in the German culture, improving your understanding of the language and broadening your communication skills.

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Intermediate German Courses B1 B2


Intermediate German Courses

Se stai cercando di portare le tue competenze linguistiche tedesche al livello successivo, sei nel posto giusto! Presso il nostro prestigioso istituto linguistico, offriamo corsi di tedesco online e in presenza specificamente progettati per coloro che desiderano raggiungere un livello intermedio nella lingua tedesca. I nostri corsi B1 e B2 ti offriranno l’opportunità di perfezionare la tua grammatica, ampliare il tuo vocabolario e sviluppare la tua capacità di comunicare in situazioni complesse. Unisciti a noi e scopri un mondo di conversazioni fluide e comprensione avanzata dei testi in tedesco. Durante questo corso, acquisirai una maggiore fiducia nell’uso del tedesco, svilupperai la tua capacità di esprimerti in modo chiaro e coerente, e potrai partecipare attivamente a conversazioni quotidiane su una vasta gamma di argomenti. I nostri insegnanti altamente qualificati ti guideranno nella comprensione di testi complessi in tedesco, migliorando le tue capacità di lettura e ascolto, e affineranno le tue competenze di scrittura per esprimere idee più elaborate.

Advanced German Courses C1 C2


Advanced German Courses

Our C1 and C2 certification courses will lead you to genuine mastery of German, enabling you to communicate confidently and fluently in complex situations . Whether you are looking to improve your language skills for professional or personal reasons, our advanced courses will offer you the quality and excellence you need to become a true expert in the German language. During this course, we will tackle complex topics, discuss social and cultural issues and hone your writing skills to express sophisticated and articulate ideas. Furthermore, we will work on your ability to understand complex German texts, such as academic articles or literary texts, improving your ability to analyze and interpret. Through challenging conversational activities and analysis of complex German texts, you will reach the highest level of language proficiency, demonstrating a complete command of German.

German certifications


Language certifications

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